Editorial: Giving new life
By Staff Editorial | January 13, 2003In a move that should serve as a wake-up call to the nation, outgoing Illinois governor George Ryan commuted the sentences of all 156 of the state's death row inmates.
In a move that should serve as a wake-up call to the nation, outgoing Illinois governor George Ryan commuted the sentences of all 156 of the state's death row inmates.
The bookstore is swamped. I have to trample two international students to grab Global Peace and the American Way, and I almost take someone's eyes out while reaching for The Miracle Worker.
Like many others this holiday season, I had problems with the campus bus service during term break. On Dec.
So, I had a weird thing happen to me last Sunday.
The No. 1 ranked men's basketball team begins home conference play this Sunday at 6:30 p.m. against undefeated Wake Forest.
Much has changed in the past few weeks; most importantly there's about to be a new Senate Majority Leader.
Recently, Christian groups on several college campuses have come under fire for discrimination for requiring that their leaders share their religious beliefs.
Instead of just complaining about the economy, politicians and foreign policies, we should try to reform global crises with our daily decisions.
Earlier this week, President George W.
"I don't know Tupac," I'd say.
On Dec. 2, 2002, The Chronicle ran a scathing editorial deriding the Sanford Institute of Public Policy for its "lack [of] the substance, coherence and difficulty of other disciplines at Duke.
Although the recent announcement of a religious sect, the Raelians, that a woman gave birth to a child who is her clone is most likely a hoax, the situation does bring to the fore important...
Many people I know have experienced life on military bases, and I have only experienced life near one.
Poor Jay Williams, pity him and his millions. Instead of leading the Blue Devils, he's wearing red, black and white. Against the San Antonio Spurs, Tony Parker popped some jumpers in his eye.
I still remember a mandatory meeting I attended last semester for all service-learning students.
Hall of Fame.
Dear new columnists:.
Tom: Hey Ren, I think for our last column, we should just have a conversation.
When I, THEODORE HUXTABLE'S PROTEGE, learned I would be working for The Chronicle, I felt it imperative to begin by practicing the craft of a legitimate journalist. This would require some research.
Experience has shown that appeasement of terrorists is both futile and foolhardy.