A eulogy for Panda Express
By James Gao | September 8, 2023Eating at Panda Express was both a fundamental part of my Duke experience and a respite from all things Duke.
Eating at Panda Express was both a fundamental part of my Duke experience and a respite from all things Duke.
Although particle physics seeks to describe the most fundamental aspects of the universe, the fundamentals of physics themselves are always subject to change in response to new information.
I realized that while I felt I was being polite, I was actually apologizing for the kindness people showed me instead of appreciating it.
As a self-proclaimed anti-STEM student, I started to see the benefits of pursuing the STEM path at Duke and how my own path lacked these advantages.
Duke is an elite American college and thus must be politically correct 100% of the time; this professed commitment to diversity is directly at odds with the latent goal of perpetuating the university in its intended form.
To make a life is different from making a living.
Being a woman in leadership, especially in a male-dominated industry, is often a gunfight you were given a knife for.
So perhaps the measure of our devotion — to a piece of writing, to an institution, to an industry — is our belief in its potential. When you stand still and look around, what do you see in the negative space?
American Sign Language should be formally taught at Duke because it is practical, increases accessibility, and contains a rich history and diverse community that students would benefit to learn from.
As long as Chronicle Sports exists, some immensely talented handful of friends will always be walking across the quad at some obscenely early hour in the morning. And the sun will always rise over Abele Quad.
In reality, moments, they are beautiful and fleeting and raw, but they say nothing, really. It is our job to bring them to life.
Family is behind every great story in sports, from San Francisco to Philadelphia to Durham. It’s behind my story, too.
It's a gift to take a step back with a columnist, to help them look at that puffy, wet wisp of an idea and condense it until it becomes water.
When the clock strikes midnight, the realization that my tenure has come to an end will slowly sink in, and I’ll reflect with certainty on how taking that leap of faith was the best decision I have ever made.
The work of student journalism is never done; it only changes hands again, again, and again. One-hundred-and-eighteen times to be exact.
At twenty, I am confident and lost, and at twenty, my mother got married.
Each of us must find our way of living and loving attentively — our own way of spotting the many pennies of this world.
Thanks to The Chronicle, I got a front-row seat, many times literally, to witness and document all of this and more.
Nowhere else will you so readily be equipped to do so much.
All I really have to say is that I'm thankful for the opportunities I had here.