Opinion | Campus Voices

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The new social contract that permeates Duke student life

As the university went from being a neutral facilitator, taking a hands-off approach to all student actions clearing the low bar of safety, to an active participant with veto power over student choices, it also used its expanded powers — in ways intentional or not — to extend benefits to students. But college students are adults and we should make our choices, even in the midst of an evolving and enlarging university apparatus.

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Why you should read below your reading level

Few of us have kept up the daily 30 minutes of independent reading since middle school. And no wonder. There’s no surefire way of letting go of the habit of reading than forcibly plowing through a book you don’t like. 

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Staying back: On first semester junior year

I searched the multitude of people scattered around the quad on the first day of class, hoping for a glimpse of recognition. All I saw, however, was a sea of strangers, and a hollow emptiness developed in the pit of my stomach. Where was I? Who were these people? What had happened to the place I’d called home for the last two years?

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The courage to be curious

Engaging in research at a major university like Duke is a key mechanism for discovery. Having to do research implies that one doesn’t have all of the information but desires to learn more. The practice of research in any field is a way of saying, “I don’t know, but I want to know.” 

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Your invisible professor

Sometimes I hear from students about hierarchies and inequalities in their campus communities. Duke professors, too, find themselves arrayed along a socio-economic hierarchy that feels significantly more rigid than in years past.