Arts and Culture

The Duke Chronicle

All Hail the Clown King

If nothing else, the revival of Herb Gardner's A Thousand Clowns confirms that Tom Selleck possesses an adroit sense of comedic timing that can enable a play--even a play as tired as this one--to...

The Duke Chronicle


There's nothing like a heavy dose of self-awareness to turn the simplest, purest pleasures of pop culture into smarm.

The Duke Chronicle

The Sopranos

Recipe for a soundtrack: Take one part Three Dog Night, add a cover of a Bob Dylan or Paul Simon song done by a new, "edgy" artist, mix with a convoluted cut of rap and toss in half-a-dozen recent...

The Duke Chronicle

Pulp Perros

A dog is a man's best friend. They fetch our slippers, come when called, obey our commands and sometimes, it seems, read our moods from our scent and slouch.

The Duke Chronicle


Doubletake*The annual four-day documentary film festival attracts filmmakers from around the world. This year's competition features 57 films including 2001 Academy Award winner Big Mama.

The Duke Chronicle

Reaching the Rock

Smart is chic. The hottest bands today are displaying an intelligence that just a few years ago would have gotten them bound and gagged with flannel and tossed into the dumpster of the local TCBY.