Emo Confessional
By Mark Pike | January 18, 2002I hate Chris Carraba's ex-girlfriends, and I've never even met them. It's not their fault, really--his project, Dashboard Confessional, puts me vicariously through all of his heartbreak.
I hate Chris Carraba's ex-girlfriends, and I've never even met them. It's not their fault, really--his project, Dashboard Confessional, puts me vicariously through all of his heartbreak.
Ahh, AmZlie, ma cherie. You tickle my palette, intoxicate me with the sweet wine of your dazzling smile.
Another Fugees effort. Large Professor's album. The Dungeon Family LP. Certain things, it seems, are just never meant to be.
It's often difficult to match the right book to the right person. Just because you loved All the Pretty Horses or Who Moved My Cheese? doesn't mean your loved ones will.
Leave Evian for the naive. Check out the new bottled water, one that's not only vapor distilled but also seasoned with fruit.
When Radiohead warped forward to the far reaches of the music universe thanks to dual engines of Kid A and Amnesiac, most fans and critics were surprisingly willing to take the trip with them.
Throughout Latin America, Shakira is a demigod. From Buenos Aires to Miami, men and women, young and old, all know, respect and love her work.
I was first introduced to the dark but magical world of Harry Potter several years ago by my mother, a third-grade teacher.
If you haven't found U2, then you must not be looking.
When I walked into Cat's Cradle Tuesday night, the Strokes' lead singer John Casablancas was the first person I saw.
After the huge success of 1998's Devil Without a Cause, it seems feasible that Kid Rock would at least try to write some fresh material.
Spy Game, the new espionage thriller from Tony Scott (Enemy of the State), has all the elements of a good spy-thriller: double-crosses, mysterious women, rogue agents, a cover-up and Robert Redford.
Ever since Rolling Stone shed its cool and became the official spokesmagazine for Britney and all things tagged for mass consumption, there's been a big old void in the music world.
s critics never fail to note, the Brothers Coen are some kind of film savants--they know everything about movies and nothing about life.
Finding a gift for an artistically-minded friend, lover or family member could be difficult in Durham. Luckily, the Museum of Modern Art has an online store.
If movies can be frustrating in their dispiriting lack of ideas, it is outright disarming to come across one that's built and composed on only thought and imagination.
Contain your ebullience--the Christmas DVD season is upon us.
Want to know what to get your best friend/new love/old flame/baby sister/awesome editorial staff for Christmas? Here's a hint: The best gifts are stuff that everyone wants, but no one would buy for...
Last night, seven actors performed eight plays in Shaefer Theater.