Arts and Culture

The Duke Chronicle

Taste: Greek Treat

Walk through Brightleaf Square and you know it's somewhere around here but you can't quite - ah - far left corner. Theo's Kellari.

The Duke Chronicle

Tech: Party on, Mario!

It's a cold Saturday night. Snow falls on a windswept West Campus quad. You're out of booze and you smoked your last jay this afternoon.

The Duke Chronicle

Film: A Nocturne Detached

The hardest thing in the world is just to say something. Because when we try to, meaning is thrown in, as is morality; some sort of glint or twinge that evokes a purpose.

The Duke Chronicle

The Power of Slam

Did you say prophets, or profits?" a student interjected into a conversation with Saul Williams before his performance in Page Auditorium Monday night.

The Duke Chronicle

Community Theater

The building looks just like all the others - red brick walls slouch upon the grass and bare metal stairs look smoky in the sunlight.

The Duke Chronicle

Trials and Tribulations

Innocently flipping through a list of upcoming album releases, we found a new trend in the industry that left us trembling in fear for the future of recorded music: Over the last couple months, a...

The Duke Chronicle

Freewater Presents...

It is amazing how many people are surprisingly illiterate about film," said Associate Dean of Student Life and Director of the Bryan Center Peter Coyle.

The Duke Chronicle

Bringing Page to Higher Ground

This Friday, Jan. 24th, the congregation inside Page Auditorium will throw up its hands and praise the Lord to the sweet sounds of Gospel greats The Blind Boys of Alabama.

The Duke Chronicle

Namely Performance

Performance artist Claire Porter's newest piece, Namely, Muscles, begins to answer one of Shakespeare's most relentless questions: What's in a name?.

The Duke Chronicle

Phish: A New High?

The vibrant throngs had amassed in front of Madison Square Garden five hours before the doors were scheduled to open, cascading over steps and railings well into a habitually busy 38th Street.

The Duke Chronicle

Startling Velocity

From breaking point to breakthrough, Personal Velocity leaves most traces of sappiness behind as it tracks the progression of three young women--Delia, Greta and Paula (Kyra Sedgewick, Parker Posey...

The Duke Chronicle

The Exies of Evil

The Exies, a modern rock quartet from L.A., have all the elements of a successful, radio-friendly rock act. And that's just the problem.