Arts and Culture

The Duke Chronicle

The Sand Box: Sounds like a 'Plan'

What do you get when you mix (shake, never stir) one part comedy, one part uptown Manhattan and five parts flagrant homosexual? Five "Fabulous" sassy, city-smart men, better groomed and perfumed...

The Duke Chronicle

The Instant Reaction

Before and after seeing The Passion of the Christ at Southpoint Cinemas, Recess interviewed the diverse audience to see what they had to say:.

The Duke Chronicle

A timeless controversy

On screen, in print, on the air and by word of mouth, the media and the public have been screaming controversy since Passion trailers first hit the web almost a year ago.

The Duke Chronicle

Law School Drama

Tonight through Saturday the Duke Law Drama Society is performing David Mamet's dark and depressing play, Glengarry Glen Ross.