Arts and Culture

The Duke Chronicle

Montreal quartet looks to set

When indie rock legend Lou Barlow announced that a band called The Arcade Fire would be following his solo act one summer night in Chapel Hill, his tone was one of disbelief: "I heard their sound...

The Duke Chronicle

Vanity not-so-fair

"I had thought she was merely a social climber. I see now she’s a mountaineer," remarks an older woman of Rebecca Sharp, the iniquitous protagonist of Vanity Fair.

The Duke Chronicle

Black is back

The last time Lewis Black strolled down the uneven stone walkways of Duke, he did so as a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill undergraduate. When he returns on Sept.

The Duke Chronicle

The good of this book

This year marks an important transition for Duke and its students as Richard Brodhead, the former beloved Dean of Yale College, fills Nan’s shoes as our new president.

The Duke Chronicle


n an effort to bolster the efforts of Duke’s Center for Instructional Technology (CIT), Recess has scoured the World Wide Web to find novel uses for the freshmen’s new iPods.