Arts and Culture

The Duke Chronicle

Now I Can Die In Peace

The world needs another book written about the 2004 World Series Champion Boston Red Sox as much as MTV needs another reality series about celebrity families.

The Duke Chronicle

Two for the Money

Ever gone to Wal-Mart and seen the rack of "value-priced" movies? You know the ones I mean, those movies that, while maybe not terrible, just weren't good enough for anyone to want them? D.J.

The Duke Chronicle

Celine Dion

I have to admit that I was optimistic when I first listened to On Ne Change Pas, Celine Dion's new best-of compilation.

The Duke Chronicle

X-Men Legends 2

Beginning with a tense alliance between the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants, X-Men II: Rise of Apocalypse sends players against the invading armies of Apocalypse and his Four Horsemen in an...

The Duke Chronicle

Bellrays to raise the roof at 506

Once in a while a band comes along that actually does "defy genre classification", "hook you in with their rockin' beats" and "get better with every listen." The Bellrays do not.

The Duke Chronicle

Devendra Banhart

Not only does Devendra Banhart resemble Hagrid from Harry Potter but, like that lovable giant, he is a big scary-looking softy.

The Duke Chronicle

Singles Spin-off

"I Need Some Fine Wine, and You, You Need To Be Nicer" - The Cardigans. The last three Cardigans albums have been just perfect but entirely different.

The Duke Chronicle

Folksy Troubadour Brings Back Country

Lost somewhere in the continuing urbanization of North Carolina, in the mass production of giant cigarette warehouses, in the slow homogenization of American society and the destruction of...

The Duke Chronicle

Neil Young

"I'm falling, falling off the face of the earth," wails Neil Young a few minutes into his latest LP, Prairie Wind.

The Duke Chronicle

A History of Violence

The reality (perhaps the tragedy?) of a movie like A History of Violence is that the subtleties and the depth will be lost on most audiences.

The Duke Chronicle


Firefly is a quirky futuristic sci-fi western with Chinese undertones (any character might throw-out fei oo instead of darn) that transports the problems and passions of the present and frames them...

The Duke Chronicle

Recess top 5

5. Nefarious Arachnid Foes. The villains for the third installment of Spiderman have been revealed by the utter-sweet Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) herself.

The Duke Chronicle


"Everybody's got something to say, so let me speak the opposite of what's hot now, and make that hot so it will get exploited and corporations will only back dudes who bite my style," or so says...