Arts and Culture

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"The Best Short Stories 2021" collection allows readers to explore 20 beautifully-imagined worlds

All of these stories are fantastic, and it’s clear why Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the very first guest editor for the collection, selected them. Some entertain questions of love and loss, others grapple with public scandals and shame. A few even recognize the temporary bleakness of ordinary circumstances, and how that can be reshaped by the kindness of strangers. What all of these authors do, though, is distill a human experience to its bare bones.


Stock your shopping carts: These are the best ALP courses offered this spring

One of the things that I –and anyone else whose major is not particularly artsy or creative– may push to the backburner is the Arts, Literature, and Performance (ALP) Area of Knowledge. So here I am on behalf of Recess, the Arts and Culture section of The Chronicle, to share my totally unbiased opinion of the coolest ALP courses offered this spring, most of which are already in my shopping cart.