A call on Duke from Black queer alums to openly support transgender, gender-diverse Blue Devils

We are a collective of Black queer alums who were highly active while students in supporting the intersectional experiences of historically disadvantaged students and continue now as alums. We stand unapologetically and fervently in full support of our fellow intersex, transgender and gender-diverse students, faculty, staff and alums. 

Across the United States, gender-diverse people are having their entire existence legislated, mitigated and even eliminated. In his first couple of weeks in office, the sitting president has signed a series of executive orders, provisions of which included enforcing the government to only recognize two sexes, banning transgender people from the military, banning trans women from women’s sports and restricting gender-affirming care, among others.

The challenges faced by gender-diverse individuals are compounded by societal stigma and systemic hatred inflamed by our current political environment. Western history reminds us that the Nazi party’s assaults on transgender people began by demonizing them as immoral and sexual predators, restricting their access to public accommodation, forcing detransitioning and then finally placing them in concentration camps. Fifteen years ago, repeating these grave horrors of the Holocaust seemed to be unheard of within the U.S. That is no longer the case.

Attacks on gender-diverse people are especially felt in the halls of higher education. Transgender and other gender minorities have been used as political fodder throughout academic institutions stoking fear and hatred which has left so many people feeling unsupported, depressed and despondent that no one has their back.

We call on the University to aggressively and openly support gender-diverse individuals who are routinely experiencing the worst levels of prejudice and discrimination from denial of public accommodation, restrictions on extracurricular activities, physical and emotional abuse from family, friends and/or strangers and public discourse demonizing them for simply existing in North Carolina and across the U.S.

We recognize the invaluable contributions that these populations bring to Duke, our region and the world, and it is imperative at this junction in American history that our university affirms the humanity of each and every person — regardless of gender identity or sex. It is our collective responsibility to challenge current injustices and foster an atmosphere where every person, regardless of gender identity, can thrive. Duke must be a place where all gender-diverse members feel seen, heard and supported in their personal, academic and professional journeys.

A public statement from University leadership calling out the baseless and reckless laws to harm and demean a particular minority group would be the first, yet arguably most important step, to uplifting the humanity and intrinsic value of all gender minorities. An open commitment to supporting gender-diverse individuals is an indispensable component to making them feel that the institution they are part of truly has their back. 

Throughout our time at Duke as both students and alums, we have advocated for a more just Duke society that uplifts the unique qualities in all of us. Duke must commit itself to realizing a campus environment that actively supports the wellbeing of sex and gender minorities, especially when it may encounter potential pressure — political or otherwise — to do the opposite. This includes maintaining access to public accommodation including housing, healthcare services to affirm their humanity, implementing policies that protect against discrimination and creating safer spaces for individuals to express their true selves without fear of prejudice or marginalization.

As transgender and gender diverse people face increasing attacks by the Trump administration and beyond, we call on Duke’s leadership to be a national leader that speaks up and sets the standard for fairness and dignity of all. This also requires continually striving for stronger protections, policies and resources that reflect the needs and rights of all those in danger of being erased in the U.S. and beyond. By unapologetically supporting sex and gender minorities, we unleash the power of our gender-diverse community to contribute to society without being held back by discrimination. Compassion must be our norm.

There is never a reason to delay a response to injustice. Tacit complicity will not save us.

Silence = Death.

- Ace Robinson, Trinity '00 (he/him)

- Hon. Jillian Johnson, Trinity '03 (she/her)

- Lee Levingston Perine, Trinity '99 (he/him)

- Seth C. Pearson, Law '16 (he/him)

- Tim'm West, Trinity '94 (he/they)

Editor's note: Jillian Johnson was a former columnist for the opinion section of The Chronicle's 98th volume. Tim'm West was a former contributing writer for the opinion section of The Chronicle's 89th volume.


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