I was deeply saddened to hear about Jiani's passing. Although I only met her once during her Chinese grading assistant interview, she left a lasting impression as a kind, polite and thoughtful individual. Our email conversations further reflected her professionalism and warm personality.
My heartfelt condolences go out to her family, friends, and all who knew her. Jiani’s presence will be greatly missed, and her memory will remain in the hearts of those she touched.
Tianshu He/贺天舒, Senior Lecturer of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.
In memory of Jiani Yu: A reflection on an extraordinary life
I am Shen Chen. I began my visiting scholar program at Duke University’s Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES) in August 2023. Through academic and cultural activities at AMES, as well as in various professors’ classrooms, I met Jiani (Thea). This May, an opportunity to interview her allowed me to connect more deeply with her and understand her better.
Jiani's extraordinary experiences and stories deeply moved me. After interviewing her, I wrote the following passage, expressing my emotions, respect, and blessings:
“After interviewing Thea, my emotions remained unsettled for a long time. ‘My youth was three times as long as others’ might capture some traces of Thea’s life. During her middle school years, Thea moved with her parents from a small town in China to the U.S., where she ended up in a ‘crummy high school’ before making it to college, only to discover that enjoying video games and studying them professionally were entirely different matters. After obtaining her undergraduate degree, she worked as a restaurant server, delivered for Uber and even planned to become a long- haul truck driver, all because it paid relatively better. Thea experienced the rapid maturation required of children in immigrant families, taking on the responsibility of caring for her parents. Her rich yet struggle-filled life moved me to tears and filled me with admiration for her. I believe her efforts and growth will surely light the way for many young people striving upwards! I sincerely wish for Thea’s path ahead to be even brighter, more composed and happier!”
It was these unique experiences that endowed Jiani with a depth, maturity and empathy not commonly found among her peers during her humanities research at Duke University. Her interview series, titled “Unyielding Perseverance through Acceptance, Facing, and Adapting to Circumstances,” included six episodes and received much positive feedback. Her story touched and inspired many viewers.
Learning of Jiani’s passing deeply saddened me. Looking back at her photos, I often feel she has not left us; it’s as if she is still here, joining in our gatherings and conversations. In discussions with her parents and other family members, we all deeply felt Jiani’s strong wish to be understood and seen. May our remembrance transform into a deeper understanding and seeing of her. May Jiani rest in peace!
纪念佳妮: 对一个非凡生命的追思
我是陈蔘。我于 2023 年 8 月开始在杜克大学亚洲与中东研究系(AMES)开始我的访学项目。在 AMES 的学术与文化活动中,以及不同教授的课堂上,我认识了佳妮 (Thea)。今年 5 月,由于访谈的契机,我与她有了更深入的接触,对她有了更多的了解。
佳妮非同寻常的经历和故事深深打动了我。在访谈她之后,我写下了这样一段文字,表达我 的感动、敬意与祝福:
“访谈 Thea 之后,我的心情久久不能平静。‘我的青春有别人三个那么长’,也许能捕捉到 Thea 生活的一些轨迹。初中时,Thea 随父母从中国小镇移民到美国,她在口中的‘破烂高中’考上 大学,却发现喜欢打游戏和将游戏作为专业是完全不同的概念。本科毕业后,她做过餐馆服 务员,送过 Uber 外卖,还曾计划做长途卡车司机,只因为这个职业的收入相对较高。Thea 经历了移民家庭孩子快速成长,肩负家庭重担的艰辛,她丰富又充满挣扎的人生经历让我感动,落泪,也让我对她充满敬意。我相信,她的奋斗与成长经历一定能照亮更多努力向上生 长的年轻人!衷心祝愿 Thea 接下来的人生道路更美好、更从容、更幸福!”
也正是这些独特的经历,让佳妮在杜克大学从事人文研究时,拥有了许多同龄人未必具备的 深刻、成熟与同理心。她的访谈视频共 6 期,我们取名为“自强不息的随遇而安”。访谈播 出后获得了许多积极的反馈,她的故事感动并鼓舞了许多人。

Shen Chen/陈蔘, Visiting Scholar in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.
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