Duke athletics to institute lottery for Countdown to Craziness entry order

Duke athletics is instituting an undergraduate lottery for Countdown to Craziness.
Duke athletics is instituting an undergraduate lottery for Countdown to Craziness.

Duke athletics announced a lottery system to determine the entry order for Countdown to Craziness in a Wednesday email to the Duke community.  

In a change to the typical Krzyzewskiville tenting system, undergraduate students who wish to register between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. will be placed in the lottery because of the graduate student campout this weekend. Those who want to register after 9 a.m. will have a chance to enter through the traditional walk-up line rules. 

The line monitors sent a Thursday email notifying the Cameron Crazies that they did not advocate for the lottery system, as it is "against the spirit" of K-Ville. However, they ensured that this would only be a one-time occurrence and that the regular walk-up line rules would continue for the rest of the season.

K-Ville's boundaries include Crowell Quad and will extend to include Card lot at 3 p.m.

"A lottery system does not mean we will be excluding anyone from K-Ville or Section 17," wrote Co-head Line Monitors Kelvin Bueno Gonzalez and Oliver Hess. 

Students cannot line up before Friday at 7 a.m., and the line monitors will table at Crowell Quad to record group numbers for the lottery. At least a third of the group needs to be within the K-Ville boundaries to register and until line-up at 5 p.m.

The email from Duke athletics comes after the head line monitors sent an email Monday with the plan to relocate K-Ville to Crowell Quad. That email did not mention the lottery but included typical wristbanding and registration rules.

Countdown to Craziness begins Friday at 7 p.m.

This is a developing story and will be updated as more information becomes available. 

Ranjan Jindal profile
Ranjan Jindal | Sports Editor

Ranjan Jindal is a Trinity junior and sports editor of The Chronicle's 120th volume.


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