DSG senators finalize presidential committee nominations, share project updates

Duke Student Government senators met Wednesday to finalize presidential committee nominations, share committee updates and approve Student Organization Finance Committee funding requests. 

Presidential committee nominations

Senior Alessandro Dal Bon and sophomore Rachel Talcoff were nominated to the Advisory Committee on Investment Responsibility, which advises the president on making investment recommendations to the Board of Trustees. 

Juniors Karina Lu and Austin Brown were nominated to the Advisory Committee on Institutional History, which advises the president on issues regarding the University’s history.

Junior Mariam Gulamhusein and sophomore Yash Sharma were nominated to the athletics council, and sophomore Emily Wang and junior Noah Tajudeen were nominated to the Arts Council.

DSG senators also nominated junior Zubin Rekhi and sophomores Quinn Mulvey, Ahilan Eraniyan and Angela Chen for the Information Technology Advisory Council, which advises Duke’s IT leadership on issues related to computing, telecommunications and software.

Committee updates

Gulamhusein, vice president of the services and sustainability committee, provided updates on the committee's ongoing research into expanding outdoor study areas to compensate for changed library hours. She also mentioned the committee’s discussions with Duke Dining to maintain sustainable dining efforts.

Senior Yadira Paz-Martinez, vice president of equity and outreach, noted the committee’s continued collaboration with Progress Period to make menstrual products more readily available on all quads.

The academic affairs committee announced a potential second round of matching for the Blue Devil Buddies program. The program pairs incoming first-years with upperclassmen during the summer prior to matriculation to help ease their social and academic transition into Duke.

In other business

DSG senators voted to approve $4,195 in funding for the Asian Student Association’s Asian Creative Festival on Oct. 4, covering catering, space rentals, equipment and a photobooth. KAjok was granted $1,581 for their Tteokbokki Social on Sept. 20 to cover catering and event supplies.

The Duke chapter of Shave and Buzz received $1,740 out of a requested $1,878 to fund their September Mental Health Philanthropy Initiative taking place on Sept. 15. The funds will help cover catering, space rentals and event supply costs.

With Duke basketball’s season opener set for Nov. 4, senators also approved a budgetary statute to grant Krzyzewskiville line monitors $1,000 to purchase wristbands and $1,360 to purchase line monitor jackets.

Jeremiah Fang profile
Jeremiah Fang

Jeremiah Fang is a Trinity junior and a staff reporter for the news department.  


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