DSG confirms first-year senators, hears presentation from Chris Simmons for first time in nearly 20 years

Duke Student Government hosted Chris Simmons, vice president for government relations, as a guest speaker for the first time in roughly two decades, introduced its organizational leadership team and confirmed first-year senator nominees during its Wednesday meeting.

The DSG OLT is primarily tasked with “operational and logistical matters” and works with the various committee vice presidents to discuss committee and project updates.

The board is composed of President Heather Raslan, a senior, Executive Vice President Akhilesh Shivaramakrishnan, a senior, Chief of Staff Jax Nalley, a senior, Speaker of the Senate Dylan Cawley, a junior, and Chief Financial Officer Ayanna Chatman, a senior.

Guest presentation

Chris Simmons, vice president for government relations, spoke on his role at Duke and summarized the importance of the Office of Government Relations in representing the University’s interests on a local, state, federal and international level on matters related to federal student aid, funding for research and tax policy.

“The most important thing that you should understand is that every single agency, every single department in the federal government, touches Duke,” Simmons said. 

Simmons’ office also oversees student voter education. He promoted Duke Votes, a nonpartisan organization whose goal is to educate Duke students on matters regarding voter registration and timelines.

In a Q&A session after the presentation, several senators asked questions regarding how the office handles attacks on higher education and the University’s relationship with China.

Simmons noted that despite increased geopolitical tensions with China, Duke is committed to continue accepting applicants from around the world.

“Our job is to educate the next group of leaders in this country,” Simmons said. “… What else attracts people from around the world to the United States more than higher education?”

In other business

Associate Justice Zander Pitrus, a junior, swore in the nominees to their various committees. 

First-years Sabrina Manero, Ty Mastrian and Kiana Raoufiniai, sophomores Emma Ren and Shambhavi Sinha and senior Nick Loria were confirmed for the academic affairs committee.

First-years Cassatt Boatwright, Drew Crocker, Clark Easley and Stroud Snider were confirmed to the campus life committee.

First-years Jay Jhaver, Aviv Stabinsky, Sophie Brynes and Daniel Bao and sophomores Harsha Rajkumar and Zeynep Kosebalaban were confirmed for the Durham and community affairs committee. 

First-years Dishita Agarwal, Nathaniel George, Vincent Hovespian and sophomore Angeline Smith were confirmed for the equity and outreach committee.

First-years Nikhil Sethi, Major Richmond, Raahim Hashmi and Ryan Jankelowitz, sophomores Luke Gumbert, Chloe Joy Chang and junior Mahmoud Zaki were confirmed for the services and sustainability committee. 

The senate confirmed first-years Sarah Munjed, Peter Chacon, Terrence Ware, Matthew Roberts, Sami Moudarres, Blake Sohmer and Isaac Lief as new Student Organization Funding Committee analysts. 

DSG senators voted to approve $2,874.81 for Hoof & Horn, $3,395.12 for Duke Rhydhun out of its requested $4,225, $20,435.75 for Duke Mock Trial out of its $26,019.75 request, $4,431.90 for Duke Club Pickleball and $3,866.66 for Duke Symphony Orchestra.  

The senate also allocated $3,411 for Duke Students for the Exploration and Development of Space out of its $4,536 request, $2,131.50 for Duke Sanjeet, $6,206.05 for Duke Debate, $2,400 for the National Society of Black Engineers out of its requested $4,446.40 and $8,230 for Duke Deewana out of its $16,703.52 request.

Finally, the senate allocated $1,982.25 for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. out of its $2,025.68 request, $1,780 for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. out of its $2,025.68 request and $2,122 for Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. out of its $2,332.39 request.

Jeremiah Fang profile
Jeremiah Fang

Jeremiah Fang is a Trinity junior and a staff reporter for the news department.  


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