East Campus tennis and pickleball courts close for week, 6 tennis courts to be permanently removed

The tennis and pickleball courts on East Campus closed Wednesday, per a Monday update to a slew of planned court closures.

Two of the tennis courts and six of the pickleball courts closest to Brodie Recreation Center will reopen Aug. 7. The six other tennis courts will remain closed and will eventually be permanently removed.

According to the original April 24 announcement, the courts are being removed to accommodate the “expanded footprint and utilities” of Lilly Library, which began a two-year renovation process in May.

This week’s closure was not part of the original April 24 announcement, which only communicated the plan to uproot the six tennis courts closest to Lilly.

The eight courts reopening Aug. 7 are expected to remain open throughout the renovation process. Meanwhile, the University has plans to build six new tennis courts and six new pickleball courts “in the [Haynes] Field area on the west side of Brodie Gym,” which are expected to be completed by 2025.

Once the new courts are completed, the existing courts will be demolished and replaced with “a landscaped quad, featuring grass and trees.”

The closure comes about six weeks after Brodie Recreation Center completed a two-month cleaning and renovation following the discovery of lead dust in the pool maintenance area of Brodie Aquatics Center and on the floor throughout other parts of the general facility.

The Brodie closure caused frustration among some students, who altered their exercise routines in response to the absence of an East Campus gym and a reportedly busier Wilson Recreation Center.

Michael Austin profile
Michael Austin | Managing Editor

Michael Austin is a Trinity junior and managing editor of The Chronicle's 120th volume.


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