‘Pitchfork's is here to stay’: Dining location to remain open despite closure rumors

Pitchfork’s will remain open through the 2024-25 academic year, despite rumors that the popular West Campus dining location would soon be closing.

“Pitchfork's is a hallmark of the Duke student experience, and we’re excited to ensure it remains open to students for the 24-25 school year,” wrote sophomore Jack Sabo, co-chair of the Duke University Student Dining Advisory Committee, in a Thursday morning message to The Chronicle. “Despite rumors to the contrary, let me be clear: Pitchfork's is here to stay this year.”

Pitchfork’s continued operation was also confirmed by Duke Dining Program Director Grayson Crabtree. The location will reopen for regular service Friday.

The possible closure was first reported by The Fluke News, a satirical newspaper covering the Duke community. Although The Fluke often intentionally publishes inaccurate information as part of its comedic style, the organization received multiple reports Wednesday indicating that the popular dining location would be closing this year, including confirmation from a Duke Dining employee.

Pitchfork’s is located in McClendon Tower in Keohane Quad. Beginning Friday, the dining location will be open 7:30 a.m. to 3 a.m. Tuesday through Saturday and 7:30 a.m. to midnight Sundays and Mondays.

Zoe Kolenovsky profile
Zoe Kolenovsky | News Editor

Zoe Kolenovsky is a Trinity junior and news editor of The Chronicle's 120th volume.


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