Duke Student Government senators swore in new DSG members and recognized senators and members of the University community for their contributions this year at their last Wednesday meeting of the 2023-24 academic year.
The senators confirmed first-years Aiden Pasinsky and Jennifer Lee as senators for Academic Affairs; first-year Sravya Yellapragada for Campus Life; first-years Miran Bhima, Samuel Carpenter, Jordan Phillps and Shivani Vyas for Durham and Community Affairs; junior Samiat Bakare and first-years Ishanvi Malayanil, Aubteen Pour-Biazar, Jothi Gupta and Connor Biswell for Equity and Outreach; and first-years Isa Helton and Akshay Gokul for Services and Sustainability.
The incoming DSG Chief of Staff Chase Barclay, a junior, was also confirmed. In the Student Organization Finance Committee, incoming chair, Ayanna Chatman, a sophomore was confirmed. Majed Al Munefi, a sophomore, was confirmed to executive vice-chair, Jay Esemudje and Doriz Concepcíon to SOFC management and communication vice chairs, Rohil Kanaparti to SOFC auditing vice chair, Neil Upreti to SOFC analytics vice chair, Davey Frankel to SOFC policy vice chair, and Ariella Ruiz to SOFC DSG liaison.
Junior Randi Jennings, chief justice of the DSG judiciary, swore in those confirmed at the meeting and those elected to office in the recent election, including the incoming senators, vice presidents of the DSG committees and class presidents.
Senators voted on nominations for seven awards during the meeting. Four awards were given to members of DSG, one went to an administrator, another to a staff member and one to a DSG affiliate. The awards are given out annually.
The Paul Edwin Harner award, which recognizes dedication and leadership in DSG, was given to senior Lana Gesinsky, outgoing DSG president.
DSG Cabinet Chair Amber Miranda, a junior, received the Reginaldo Howard award. The award recognizes an exemplary member of the Cabinet.
Sophomore Jax Nalley, vice president of academic affairs, was the recipient of the Graydon John Forrer Award for integrity during senate meetings.
Dean of Trinity College Gary Bennett received the Dean Suzanne Wasiolek award, which is given to an administrator for considering the interest of undergraduates.
Juwan Jacobs, assistant director for Student Involvement and Leadership and advisor to DSG, was awarded the Nannerl O. Keohane Award for his work with DSG.
The senators gave the Shrey H. Majmudar award to senior Devan Desai, the outgoing executive vice president, recognizing his commitment to building community and mentorship in DSG.
The Karsh Student Advisory Board, which works with the Karsh Office of Undergraduate Financial Support, received the Outstanding Caucus/Affiliate Award. KSAB advocated for 600 supplemental food points to be distributed to students across the fall and spring semester.
In other business
SOFC chair Ayanna Chatman led the second reading of the 2023-2024 annual budget. The new budget contains only three line items: programming at $600,000, a consolidated annual budget at $400,000 and a discretionary fund for SOFC at $2,500. The senators unanimously approved the annual budget.
The senators presented flowers and farewell cards to graduating seniors, who shared brief remarks reflecting on their time in DSG.
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Senou Kounouho is a Pratt sophomore and a university news editor of The Chronicle's 119th volume.