Editor's note: This story is part of a series about the Class of 2026 based on a survey conducted by The Chronicle. You can read more about our methodology and limitations here, or see all of our survey coverage here.
This year’s survey asked the Class of 2026 about academic, cultural, health and wellness and mental health resources on campus. For each campus resource, survey respondents could select if they were “aware of” the resource and whether they had “used” the resource.
The top five most-used resources were Student Health (45.54%), weight and exercise rooms at Wilson Recreation Center (38.59%), Campus Pharmacy (33.44%), the Arts Annex (24.15%) and the Freeman Center for Jewish Life (23.31%).
Academic Resources
The survey listed the following academic resources on campus: Ask a Librarian; the Career Center; Directors of Academic Engagement; drop-in tutoring, group tutoring, GRE/MCAT Prep and Study Connect at the Academic Resource Center; Office of Health Professions Advising; pregraduate advising; the STEM Advancement through Group Engagement Program (SAGE); Student Disability Access Office; Subject Specialists at Duke Libraries; and the Thompson Writing Program writing studio.
Only 10 respondents were not aware of any academic resources. 184 respondents reported using at least one academic resource.
The most used resource was pre-health advising, which 64 students have used, followed by the TWP writing studio, used by 63 students. The least used resource was GRE/MCAT Prep, which only 1 student had used.
The respondents tended to be less aware of advising opportunities for graduate school, pre-law, and pre-health, and more aware of heavily advertised resources, like the writing studio and Career Center.
According to survey responses, students on financial aid or who are from minority backgrounds are more likely to use SAGE. 25.58% of students on financial aid have used SAGE, versus 7.02% of students not on financial aid. 45.83% of Black or African American students have used SAGE, versus 12.32% of students who did not identify as Black or African American.
As expected, 22.67% of Trinity students have used Directors of Academic Engagement, versus 7.55% of Pratt students. Directors of Academic Engagement primarily advise students pursuing majors in Trinity College.
Respondents who identified as first-generation college students reported higher awareness across all academic resources compared to other survey respondents.
Cultural Centers
Respondents were asked about the following cultural resources on campus: Center for Multicultural Affairs, Center for Muslim Life, Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, Disability Cultural Center, Freeman Center for Jewish Life, International Student Center, Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture and the Women’s Center.
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Over 80% of respondents marked they are “aware” of the CML, CSGD, Freeman Center, Mary Lou Williams Center and Women’s Center. Most students were aware of the CMA, Disability Cultural Center and International Student Center, but by a smaller margin.
The most used cultural center was the Freeman Center, while only 5 respondents reported using the Disability Cultural Center.
The survey data revealed that students belonging to a culture or affinity group are more likely to use cultural centers. 62.5% of international students have used the International Student Center, versus 1.15% of domestic students. 70.60% of Black or African American students have used the Mary Lou Williams Center, versus 4.83% of students who did not identify as Black or African American.
40.54% of Hispanic/Latinx students have used the CMA, versus 10.85% of non-Hispanic/Latinx students. The CMA oversees La Casa, the primary Hispanic/Latinx affinity space on campus.
Health and Wellness
The survey listed the following cultural resources on campus: activities at the Wellness Center, Arts Annex, Campus Pharmacy, Campus Smiles Dentistry, diet and nutrition lecture courses, Duke Health COVID-19 Hotline, Feed Every Devil food point bank, nutrition services at Student Health, Outdoor Adventures with Personal Trips, Student Health and group fitness classes and weight/exercise rooms at Wilson Recreation Center.
The most well-known and “used” health and wellness resource was Student Health. The least reportedly-used resources were Campus Smiles Dentistry, Feed Every Devil and Outdoor Adventures.
Respondents who identified as international students used DuWell three times more than domestic students (15.15% versus 4.62%). Required vaccinations are one possible reason for this difference.
Mental Health
Respondents reported their use of three mental health resources: Blue Devils Care, Counseling and Psychological Services and DukeReach.
Most respondents were “aware” of Counseling and Psychological Services. CAPS was also the most “used” resource. A minority of respondents were “aware” of Blue Devils Care and DukeReach.
Food point spending
Prices at several campus dining locations increased this year due to inflation, causing some students to run low on funds. In September 2022, about 70% of first years were considered “on track” with their spending, according to Director of Dining Robert Coffey.
In line with Coffey’s statement, The Chronicle found that about 75% of surveyed first-years were “close to or at” the suggested food point balance or had a surplus of funds. About 2.6% of students were below the suggested balance by $300 or more, while 4.2% were up to $200 under, 10% were up to $100 under, and 7.7% were $50 under.
Ayra Charania and Nadia Bey contributed data analysis.

Senou Kounouho is a Pratt sophomore and a university news editor of The Chronicle's 119th volume.