Professor of Biology Mohamed Noor announced as interim dean of Trinity College

<p>Professor of Biology Mohammed Noor tests out a new "flipped classroom" format, in which students watch lectures pre-recorded on Coursera at home and complete problem sets in class.</p>

Professor of Biology Mohammed Noor tests out a new "flipped classroom" format, in which students watch lectures pre-recorded on Coursera at home and complete problem sets in class.

Professor of Biology Mohamed Noor will take on the role of interim dean of Trinity College of Arts & Sciences starting July 1, according to a Monday press release.

Current Trinity Dean Valerie Ashby is leaving Duke to become president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Noor will fill Ashby’s role while the national search for her permanent successor takes place. 

In the announcement on Duke Today, Provost Sally Kornbluth shared her gratitude toward Noor, noting that she is “grateful to [Noor] for agreeing to serve as interim dean during this time of transition.”

“He understands Duke and Trinity College, he is an outstanding scholar and his commitment to students and to his faculty colleagues is well-known and widely admired,” she added.

After receiving his bachelor of science from the College of William and Mary and a doctorate from the University of Chicago, Noor began teaching biology at Duke in 2005. From 2013 to 2017, he served as the chair of the department, and since 2018, he has served as the dean of natural sciences. 

In addition to his roles within the University, Noor has received a plethora of awards, including the Stephen Jay Gould prize in 2019, outstanding postdoctoral mentor award from the Duke Postdoctoral Association in 2014, alumni distinguished undergraduate teaching award in 2013, David and Janet Vaughan Brooks teaching award from Trinity College in 2012, Earl D. McLean professorship by the Bass Society of Fellows in 2011, Dean’s award for excellence in mentoring from the Duke Graduate School in 2010, the Darwin-Wallace Medal from the Linnean Society of London in 2008 and many more. 

Madeleine Berger profile
Madeleine Berger | Editor at Large

Madeleine Berger is a Trinity senior and an editor at large of The Chronicle's 119th volume.


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