Duke has relaxed COVID-19 restrictions due to the low prevalence of cases on campus, according to a Wednesday evening email.
Private parties and events hosted by student organizations are no longer limited to 50 people, according to the email. Additionally, indoor seating capacity is being increased at most on-campus dining locations.
Masks are now recommended rather than required in “semi-public residential spaces,” including common rooms and laundry rooms. Masking is also required in “classrooms and other indoor non-residential spaces.”
The message, which was sent to all Duke undergraduate and graduate/professional students, was signed by Mary Pat McMahon, vice provost of student affairs; Gary Bennett, vice provost of undergraduate education; and Executive Vice Provost Jennifer Francis.
Despite the loosening of rules surrounding large gatherings, the email reminded students that “groups will still need to engage with UCAE to help with event planning and safety protocols (especially if food is being served).”
Duke reported 26 COVID-19 cases from Sept. 27 to Oct. 3, with a positivity rate of 0.12%. The email emphasized that these updated guidelines depend on case numbers remaining low.
Editor's note: An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that masks are now required rather than recommended. in “semi-public residential spaces." The Chronicle regrets the error.
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Anna Zolotor is a Trinity senior and recruitment chair for The Chronicle's 118th volume. She was previously news editor for Volume 117.