Meet all the DSG vice president, senate and class council candidates

Even though candidates won't be able to campaign on campus, Duke Student Government and class council elections are still happening this April. This will be the third and final undergraduate student body election of the year, after Ibrahim Butt won the Young Trustee election and Tommy Hessel won the DSG presidential election

The Chronicle was provided with the names of the candidates for class council and DSG vice presidents and senators by Attorney General John Markis, who is also a senior news reporter for The Chronicle. The election will be held online from Thursday, April 16 at noon to April 17 at noon. Each class elects two senators for each committee. 

DSG vice presidents

VP for Academic Affairs: sophomore Shrey Majmudar

VP for Campus Life: sophomore Ramya Ginjupalli

VP for Durham and Regional Affairs: junior Aly Diaz, sophomore Ethan Martin, sophomore Kyle Melatti, first-year Luke Vermeer

VP for Equity and Outreach: sophomore Nehal Jain, sophomore Christina Wang

VP for Services and Sustainability: sophomore Zac Johnson

Class of 2021 

Durham and Regional Affairs: James Toscano Jr. 

Equity and Outreach: Hamza Mohamoud

Services and Sustainability: Danny Wu

Class Council President: Shreyas Gupta

Class Council Vice President: Sean Cho

Class of 2022

Campus Life: Gianna Affi

Equity and Outreach: Stephanie Green, Shirley Mathur

Services and Sustainability: Anton Hörr, Bisma Suleman

Class Council President: Josh Berman, Joanne Kim

Class Council Vice President: Sam Lamba, Alejandro Vogel

Class of 2023 

Academic Affairs: Devan Desai, Cynthia Dong, Alexa Goble, Kendall Likosar, Preetha Ramachandran, Chloe Schaefgen, Tri Tuong

Campus Life: Marley Dooling, Lana Gesinsky, Saad Ibrahim, Karam Oubari

Durham and Regional Affairs: Dawei Gao, Dan King, Rhea Tejwani

Equity and Outreach: Ian Acriche, Kishan Gandham, Ishika Gupta, Zella Hanson, Klever Rosales, Tommy Shen

Services and Sustainability: Bennett Bierman, Chaya Brennan Agarwal, Ceci de la Guardia, Hana Hendi, Daniel Levy, Malini Narula, Sawyer O'Keefe, Kaylee Rodriguez

Class Council President: Thuan Tran, Josie Vonk, James Zheng 

Class Council Vice President: Lucas Alves, Hadrian Gonzalez Castellanos, David Ramirez

Editor's note: Ramachandran is also a staff reporter for The Chronicle.

Jake Satisky profile
Jake Satisky | Editor-in-Chief

Jake Satisky was the Editor-in-Chief for Volume 115 of The Chronicle. 


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