At Wednesday’s Duke Student Government Senate meeting, student justices gave senators an overview of the role of the DSG Judiciary.
The judiciary ensures that DSG decisions adhere to the DSG Constitution, Bill of Rights and by-laws, according to its website. The justices regulate various disputes among groups subject to DSG rules, including cases such as election violations and petitions regarding Krzyzewskiville policies.
Chief Justice Georgia Lala, a senior, explained that the goal of the judiciary is to better promote judicial procedures.
“When policy violations occur or if a student’s rights have been violated, a student ends up getting hurt. In the past, we have seen a lot of cases that could have been avoided if people understood the procedures better or if things were written correctly in the first place,” she said. “This year, we’re trying to make sure that people know the procedures and the Constitution.”
In other business:
The Senate unanimously funded Duke Catholic Center $3,200 for a speaker event. Jewish Student Union was funded $2,280 for Latkapalooza, and Undergraduate Environmental Union was allocated $1,965 for End of Semester Enviro Blow Out, a socializing event for the environmental community at Duke.
Kappa Alpha Psi was also funded $2,929 for their multicultural community gathering event.
The Senate also amended its by-laws regarding Senate caucuses, including the purpose of a caucus, rights of caucuses and a statement acknowledging the rights of all students—including non-DSG members—to be members and chairs of caucuses.
DSG passed a resolution regarding a dodgeball tournament that happened last Saturday between The Chronicle and DSG.
The Chronicle won four games, and DSG won none. As a result of its defeat, DSG passed a resolution “[apologizing] to the Chronicle for wasting its time with this dodgeball game.”
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