Duke University Honor Council endorses Luke Farrell for Young Trustee

Duke University Honor Council is pleased to formally endorse Luke Farrell as Young Trustee. After hearing from all four outstanding candidates on January 31, Honor Council believes Luke best embodies the values of honor, integrity and moral courage that create the foundation of our community. 

Emphasizing his love for Duke, Luke has shown his commitment to making the university a better place through his past engagements and endeavors. Council members were inspired by his commitment to doing what is right, shown through his conviction while pressing the President, alongside other students, for full student healthcare coverage or introducing campus accessibility guidelines. When the Board of Trustees wanted to increase tuition, he was the first member to vote against the motion. 

Luke sets a remarkable example of how best to “act if the Standard is compromised,” both in academia and in social settings. Through his engagement with Common Ground and other campus organizations, he has worked to change campus culture, targeting toxic masculinity and socioeconomic inequality on campus.

Studying math, computer science, and neuroscience, Luke has experience serving as SOFC chair and advising President Price on investment responsibility. He also emphasized that his presence on the board would provide increased advocacy for ethics in STEM. Luke is an enthusiastic and effective communicator. Honor Council is confident that he will demonstrate moral courage to make positive change at Duke as Young Trustee. 

Honor Council also recognizes the high moral standards that all candidates bring. Honor Council supports Brian Buhr’s moral conviction and speaking truth to power through the Board, Trey Walk’s enthusiastic commitment to elevating community voices and maintaining accountability, and Archana Ahlawat’s dedication to empathy, integrity and empowering women’s voices in leadership. 

Matthew Gayed (T’20) Chair, Duke Honor Council

Written by Margaret Gaw (T’22) 

Brittany Amano (T’ 21), Camille Ampey (T’ 20), David Frisch (T’ 20), Cliff Haley (T’20), Julia Marshall (T’20), Cindy Pan (T’21), Trinity Morrow (P’20), Nick Santangelo (T’20), and Dustin Zhu (T’20) were absent and did not vote for the Young Trustee candidate. Kushal Kadakia (T’19) and Priya Parkash (T’22) chose to abstain. 

Duke Honor Council | Duke Honor Council

Kushal Kudakia, President of Duke Honor Council, is a Trinity junior. his column for Duke Honor Council runs on alternate Fridays.


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