Duke places CAPS employee on leave for allegedly assisting boyfriend in bank robberies

As Duke students celebrated their spring break, an employee from Counseling and Psychological Services appeared in Wake County court to post bail. She was facing multiple charges for allegedly helping her boyfriend rob three banks in Raleigh.

Mary Louise Cicinnati, a staff assistant at CAPS, has been charged with altering, destroying or stealing evidence of criminal conduct—in addition to obstruction of justice and felony accessory in three robberies allegedly committed by Jimmie Earl Godfrey. 

Cicinnati has been placed on administrative leave pending review and resolution of the felony charge. 

Mike Schoenfeld, vice president for public affairs and government relations, wrote in an email that these measures are standard procedure for employees charged with a felony.

Cicinnati’s daughter, Demi Cicinnati, helped her post the bail of $10,000. She is not due in court until April 3. Godfrey remains in jail in Hillsborough facing three counts of common law robbery as well as another charge from a Raleigh bank robbery in 2015.

“She’s saved so many lives,” Demi Cicinnati said to WSPA 7News. “This is just absolutely insane.”

The prosecutors claimed in court that Cicinnati destroyed evidence on Godfrey’s phone as well and attempted to lead the police tracking him in different directions.

She has been working at CAPS since March 2007. Along with working at the front desk, she also handled outreach and development as well as management of the CAPS website and office. 

Cicinnati and other CAPS employees declined to comment on the matter.


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