There are no words to express the sorrow and condolence held over the passing of Alex. He was my oldest friend at Duke, and although we grew apart in the last few years, he was always such a comforting and cheering presence on campus. The last time I saw Alex was during parents weekend, when he took his time to greet and talk with my mom, which she notes he never failed to do.
We spent a lot of time together in a class sophomore year. Before and after class we would reminisce about middle school and joke about campus going-ons, and during class Alex always had an insightful insight or comment.
When I look back on the conversations I had with Alex, I am reminded of his constant compassion and humor. To know him was to know his warmth and caring spirit. I am thankful for the moments I got to share with him and will keep him in my memories forever.
Liza Rebold is a Trinity senior. If you would like to submit a letter to the editor to remember Alex McIlvaine, please submit it to and include your name and affiliation with Duke.
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