For Old Duke, students will be making their way downtown, walking fast as faces pass and they're homebound—with Vanessa Carlton as the concert's headliner.
Carlton will be this year’s main act, while Blank 281—a cover band of Blink 182 that performed at the Last Day of Classes concert two years ago—will be the event’s opener. The annual throwback concert put on by the Campus Concerts committee of Duke University Union, Old Duke will be held April 10 at 5 p.m. in Keohane Amphitheater, and will feature free tank tops, a photo booth and a giant parachute. The line-up was announced Monday afternoon via the DUU Facebook page—several weeks after it is typically announced.
“We wanted to bring someone that people would be excited about, and would remember their songs, and we remembered that Blank 281 were really successful when they came back for LDOC and we thought they’d be a good opener," said DUU Campus Concerts Chair Harli Grant, a senior. "Vanessa Carlton, we were excited about—people listen to her music all the time, and then also she’s a female—which we rarely end up hiring female artists. Most of the performers that come to Duke are males.“
In years past, the line-up has generally been announced sometime in February. The delay in this year's announcement occurred due to a merging of DUU committees, Grant explained. The committees were merged to make essentially everything easier, ranging from budgeting to artist selection, she said.
However, instead of having a committee solely responsible for the planning of Old Duke, the committee also had to organize the End Zone and K-Ville concerts. She added that logistical issues prolonged the K-Ville planning process, further delaying the time before the committee could move forward with Old Duke.
Grant added that the event provides another opportunity for Duke Students to get together and do something at the same time.
“With the elimination of Tailgate, et cetera, there’s a lot less events on campus where the whole student body does come out and hang out together, and I’m just excited to see that,” Grant said.
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