Food truck rodeo on the table for DUSDAC

At their meeting Monday evening, DUSDAC discussed the possibility of hosting a food truck rodeo on campus with the help of funding by DSG.
At their meeting Monday evening, DUSDAC discussed the possibility of hosting a food truck rodeo on campus with the help of funding by DSG.
  • A proposal for a food truck rodeo is awaiting funding and a definite location.
  • Dunkin’ Donuts has begun the contract process to become a Merchant-on-Points and will likely begin delivery within the next few weeks.
  • Duke is in the second round toward becoming peta2’s most vegan-friendly college.

Students may be able to enjoy current favorites and try new dining options free of charge at an upcoming food truck rodeo sponsored by Duke University Student Dining Advisory Committee and Duke Student Government.

At their meeting Monday evening, DUSDAC discussed the possibility of hosting a food truck rodeo on campus with the help of funding by DSG. Students who sign up to participate in the food truck rodeo would receive the equivalent of around seven dollars of credit to try at vendors of their choosing. The menu portions would likely be smaller to allow students to sample both old and new food trucks.

DUSDAC co-chair Brian Taylor, a junior, believes that having the food truck rodeo could assist in selecting a new vendor for next semester by introducing students to new options.

“Last year we sent out a survey to gauge student interest in bringing new food trucks to the campus or getting rid of old ones,” Taylor said. “A problem we faced was many people hadn’t tried these food trucks. We’re looking for a way to bridge that gap.”

The proposal, however, remains in its incipient stages. The rodeo is still awaiting funding and a definite location, said DUSDAC co-chair Gregory Lahood, a senior.

Having entertainment such as live music and student performances was also mentioned as a possibility to supplement the food trucks.

In other business:

After filling the final Merchants-on-Points spot, Dunkin’ Donuts has begun the contract process and will likely begin delivery within the next few weeks.

Duke is in the running to become peta2’s most vegan-friendly college. After making it past round one, Duke is among 16 universities in the second round of competition. Students can vote for Duke in round two online until March 4.


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