Super or substandard?

I feel like nowadays all I seem to write about is superheroes. To be honest, I can’t deny my passion for caped crusaders and escapism. Nonetheless, the true reason I continually capture the superhero genre in my pieces is that superhero films are becoming more popular and more frequent. So as DC has just recently released their new film slate, I’d like to consider whether the number of superhero films in the next five or so years is exciting or excessive

2015 is what we'll call the calm before the storm. We will be treated to the highly anticipated Avengers: Age of Ultron, which, for any fanboy, sounds like it will be a grand ol’ time. The original Avengers film contained whip smart dialog, action-packed sequences and everything anyone could want out of a superhero film, so why not look forward to the sequel helmed by the great Joss Whedon. But then come Ant Man and the Fantastic Four reboot, two films no one asked for. Sure Guardians of the Galaxy was the surprise film of the summer, but is it worth it for Marvel to try its luck twice with obscure superheroes? And for Fox studios, rebooting the Fantastic Four seems like a desperate move considering how far they are behind in the superhero game.

And then comes 2016, the year of Deadpool, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Captain America 3 (Fallen Son/Civil War), X-Men: Apocalypse, Doctor Strange, Suicide Squad, and Sinister Six. Of course, it’s exciting to get Batman and Superman on the screen together again, but with DC’s track record I’d argue not many have faith in its chance of success. Furthermore, studios looking to capitalize on the big box office returns of superhero films are likely to be devastated by the legion of films that will come out around the same time. Most of these films require a massive budget to create, with all the special effects and high-valued stars, so with decreasing returns it seems questionable whether these films will continue to be worth it for the studios.

Finally, as an audience we have to ask ourselves when does it become too much? If each studio (Marvel, DC, Sony and Fox) legitimately plan to each produce two to three films each year what will the quality become? Will there still be as great a draw when there are 8 to 12 superhero films every year? Simply put, it’s easy to get jaded. Superhero faces new foe. Initially is defeated. Comes back to save the day. How long will we continue to appreciate this repeated cycle of familiar plot-lines especially when they occur frequently throughout the year? I understand that one might say, well, of course, we’ve continued to appreciate recycled plots year after year, but I’d say that it’s different when it occurs constantly within the same year.

Right now, I do look forward to superhero films: they are one of my favorite forms of entertainment in the ever-stressful world here at Duke. But I worry about the future. With over 40 superhero films to hit theaters in the next six years, I fear that we will lose superhero gratification and instead become weary with comic-book overkill.


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