Travelogue: Rose's Meat Market and Sweet Shop

I could’ve sworn I was in a butcher shop straight out of the Wild West. I half-expected to hear a group of cowboys conversing outside, a horse carriage rumbling past.

But nope. Just another incredibly unique restaurant in Durham.

As far as location, most people will recognize this classic area as Shooters territory. Wander past that esteemed venue for a block or so, though, and you will come upon a quaint, white shop with a simple “Meat Market & Sweet Shop” sign painted on the side.

This is Rose’s Meat Market, a fantastic deli and sandwich restaurant.

I stepped inside, not really sure what to expect. There was a long bar and a huge amount of space behind the counter for the small staff diligently working to cut up choice cuts, make sandwiches and prepare the fresh, local meat for sale.

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“Hey,” the man behind the counter said as I looked around aimlessly.

“Been here before?”

I stopped myself from telling him that he had literally the deepest, folksiest voice I had ever heard—and instead just shook my head.

“Alright. It’s all locally raised meat. If you don’t see something you want, let us know, and we will get it for you,” he explained.

“What about the sandwiches?” I asked, gesturing toward the tiny menu of sandwiches scrawled on the chalkboard above the counter.

“We have three. The sausage roll is the go-to, and we basically always have that one. The other two change depending on the day.”

I nodded and looked around again.

No seating.

This was clearly a take-out kind of place.

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I glanced over the large hunks of meat they had on display and wished for the hundredth time that I was a better cook. So, this place clearly had a specialty. But what about the Sweet Shop part?

I walked over to the left and discovered a stockpile of desserts behind the glass. In addition to homemade ice cream (the caramel is delicious, if you’re wondering), Rose’s has all sorts of tarts, pastries and small cakes. I licked my lips, struggling to exert massive amounts of self-control.

I ordered a sausage roll.

The sausage was fairly large and packed tightly in some truly wonderful bread. The spicy mustard that came with the sandwich cleared my sinuses within the first bite. And, topping off the local feel, the kale salad renewed my faith in the tastes of hipsters everywhere.

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It was truly the best piece of meat I have eaten while in Durham. The sausage was tender and packed with rich, peppery flavor. It assured me that there should be more than one go-to destination in that area, meat-wise and otherwise. Without a doubt, Rose’s Meat Market is well-worth the roam into the uncharted territory beyond Shooters.


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