The Panhellenic Association is proud to announce their endorsement of Jacob Tobia for Young Trustee. We are very impressed with his vast campus involvement, ranging from successful social justice activist efforts to service on DSG and various student committees. His work with DukeOpen, the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity and Blue Devils United have all clearly shown his dedication to improving the Duke experience for students of every race, gender and sexual preference. Put simply, Jacob has repeatedly immersed himself in student affairs with impressive and meaningful outcomes.
We believe that Jacob has the dedication, passion and experience to make him an effective and approachable student liaison. The Panhellenic Association also firmly believes that Jacob’s commitment to gender and sexual diversity will help him best represent our interests as the largest women’s organization on campus. We enthusiastically support Jacob in the upcoming Young Trustee election and encourage all members to cast a vote on February 6.
Katie Howard, Trinity ’14
President, Panhellenic Association
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