Duke Diya endorses Tobia for Young Trustee

Duke Diya had the pleasure of hearing from this year's three highly qualified Young Trustee finalists. We were impressed with the immense levels of commitment, passion and service to Duke each candidate embodied, as well as the unique perspectives of their Duke experiences they shared. After careful consideration, Duke Diya is happy to announce its support for Jacob Tobia as this year’s Young Trustee.

Jacob is a proven leader who has shown the ability to bring students together for various causes throughout his Duke career. With his work with Gender Neutral Housing, Jacob succeeded in advocating for and ultimately instilling positive changes on campus. His work with DukeOpen resulted in the support of thousands of undergraduate students for endowment transparency and investment responsibility. Jacob has climbed the ranks to actually meet with current members of the Board of Trustees and engage them on such issues most important to students. Jacob has gone beyond the undergraduate institutions that the majority of students work in to the higher up administrators, meetings and conversations. Jacob has shown that he will be able to command the respect of the Board of Trustees and be in the ideal position to make sure valid student concerns are addressed.

Finally, we believe that Jacob will best represent the views and interests of minority students at Duke. We heard sincere and genuine passion in this finalist’s voice, and we believe that his ability to instill trust in those around him will make Jacob an excellent addition to the Board of Trustees. Duke Diya has no doubt that Jacob will fill the role of Young Trustee best, for Duke as a whole as well as our organization in particular. We wish all the candidates the best of luck in this year’s election and look forward to the results.

Executive Board, Duke Diya


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