Responses to former Duke student letter on Miami game

The Chronicle published a letter today from a former Duke student and current Miami graduate student about her experience at last Wednesday's 90-63 loss to the Hurricanes.

If you haven't read it, Michelle Picon writes:

Ladies and gentlemen, I f—ing kid you not, the Dean of Students and the Vice President of Student Affairs stood between us and the stadium, allowing dozens of people to pass us in line as they lectured us on our apparently deplorable and wildly unacceptable desire to show support for our home team. Four-plus years as Cameron Crazies, hard-earned Duke degrees and constitutionally protected freedom of speech notwithstanding, senior administrators of the undergraduate campus dared scold us for wearing Duke blue to a basketball game. The catty, disparaging and immature attitude they displayed during this exchange was astounding. The fact that not one, but two top university officials felt the need to bully six graduate students and attempt to punish us for a lack of “school spirit” suggests an unfathomable depth of insecurity.

Deadspin linked and responded to the piece, titled, "Duke fan writes unberably condescending letter after being harassed at Duke-Miami game."

There was a mixed response to Picon on Twitter. Some were sympathetic to her experience... others took the Deadspin approach:


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