The Baldwin Scholars endorse Swain for DSG president

The Baldwin Scholars enthusiastically endorse Alex Swain for the position of Duke Student Government president. Alex has shown herself to be a tireless advocate for students through her work on the House Model Working Group and her efforts to bring a one-stop early voting site onto campus. Moreover, her connection to Durham and her success as vice president of Durham and regional affairs speak to her ability to bring different factions of our community together. While we found Chris Brown and Strat Waldt to be impressive in their own ways, Swain’s passion for gauging student body interests and acting upon them ultimately appealed to us.

Furthermore, Alex has a strong grasp of the issues most dear to the Baldwin Scholars. Her encouragement of women to run for student office through the Elect Her campaign, support of gender-neutral housing in the new house model, and promise to create a director of gender issues within her cabinet show that she is willing to demonstrate leadership on these issues. We believe that in Alex we will find a transparent and accountable president. The Baldwin Scholars stand by Alex Swain’s “advocacy that works” approach and endorse her for DSG president.

Rewa Choudhary, Pratt ’12

Chair, The Baldwin Scholars


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