Soundoff: midterm week

As most undergraduate students headed into their midterm week, the late night lines for The Perk in Von der Heyden grew longer with students buying study break snacks including sugar and caffeine. The Chronicle's Kotoe Oshima talked to students about how they were surviving crunch time. 

“I have three midterms and three essays this week—you guys have nothing to complain about.”

—sophomore Jack Wagner, during a class conversation about midterms

“I’m happy to be done with midterms. My graduate classes don’t have any midterms—we mostly have projects since we only have three students in our class.”

—Richard Wieber, third year Ph.D candidate 

“Everybody else seems really stressed, but my first midterm is not until October 18.”

sophomore Amy Shanks

“We’re doing Chinese now, and there isn’t much to prepare for it—you either know Chinese or you don’t. We all have other priorities apart from midterms.”

—sophomore Yi Hong Poo

“I always get stressed out with midterms. I’ll try and get to sleep earlier the day before my exams, but I’ll stay up till really late if I have to cram.”

—junior Ryan Denkewicz

“There are more important things like graduate school applications that I’m more worried about than midterms.”

—senior TJ Young

"Midterms are ruining my life right now. They really are. I don't remember being this overwhelmed last year!"

—junior Ashleigh McKinney


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