Duke's most amusing gargoyles, part 2

One post just wasn’t enough to fully capture the range of interesting gargoyles on campus. The exposé of amusing Duke gargoyles (see part 1) continues, complete with pictures and unlikely descriptions. 

All photos taken by Irina Danescu.

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The extraterrestrial gorilla

If E.T. and King Kong somehow spawned another creature, this would be it. As if his facial features weren’t distinctive enough, he also sports superhero glasses. With a look that is both alien and gorilla-esque, this gargoyle is tucked away in a back wall in Few Quad.

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The Grinch

This gargoyle’s devious grimace and sideways glance can be found next to the Extraterrestrial Gorilla in Few. He has so far rebuffed E.T.-Gorilla’s attempts at conversation, but the latter remains hopeful that they can be friends. Although he has a limited number of interests, he does enjoy theft and is currently plotting a DukeCard heist.

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The Hunchback of Crowell Quad

Despite his hunchback, this gargoyle maintains a cheerful attitude and wears a sincere, dreamy smile. When he’s not reading Victor Hugo, he spends his days gazing at the clouds. This gargoyle’s unique posture can be found atop a walkway between Kilgo and Crowell, where he awaits his own Esmerelda.


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The tree climber

This outdoorsy, adventurous gargoyle overlooks the main residential quad from Few. He enjoys tree-climbing and physical exercise almost as much as he loves bragging about his biceps.



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See no evil

Along with his two pals below, this gargoyle reenacts their favorite saying, “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” See-no-evil has an air of self-importance that comes from knowing that the proverb references him first. He enjoys playing hide-and-go-seek and moisturizing his eyelids.


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Hear no evil

Hear-no-evil suffers from middle child syndrome and longs to be viewed as an individual in his own right. He will, however, probably never realize this dream since the three gargoyles all reside inside one doorway in Craven Quad.  Although hear-no-evil still yearns for own place, he is gradually coming to terms with his cramped conditions.


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Speak no evil

The final member of the proverbial threesome is a bastion of patience. Even when passersby put gum on his mouth and drew on his eyeballs, he didn’t make a peep. Despite his generally likeable personality, this gargoyle has a tumultuous relationship with his dentist as a result of his poor oral hygiene and refusal to cooperate.


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