Trisha Stafford-Odom bolts to UNC

Trisha Stafford-Odom has a new job, but her new job isn't very far away.

Although it had been rumored for a couple weeks now, it can now  be confirmed that the now former Duke women's basketball assistant coach has left for a similar position at North Carolina. According to The Herald-Sun, she resigned yesterday.

It appears, however, that this had been in the works for some time, with the 40-year-old coach expressing discontent via her Twitter account, @CaliTSO. On August 16 she tweeted,"Even at the last hour, SOME PEOPLE don't change." Later that day, she said, "Ultimatums force decisions. #smh."

On August 19 she finally tweeted, "Oh yeah... I still have a voice. Unlike others, I just TRULY choose 2 take the HIGH ROAD!" After that final comment, the speculation on message boards  blogs developed that she had left for North Carolina, although there was no confirmation until this week.

Stafford-Odom worked at Duke from 2009-2011, and prior to that worked at UCLA since 2005. She established herself in that time as an excellent recruiter and was an instrumental part of bringing in the top recruiting classes that Duke has collected in the past couple seasons that include Chelsea Gray and Elizabeth Williams.

According to the Herald-Sun, Duke coach Joanne P. McCallie said through a team spokesman that she has no comment on the departure.


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