DUPD investigates alleged sexual assault between acquaintances

Duke Police are investigating an alleged sexual assault case reported July 10.

The assault involved a female student and a male student at the Oregon Street apartments on Central Campus. The students are acquaintances.

According to the police report, the incident took place from 11:30 p.m. July 8 until 1:45 a.m. July 9.

Dean of Students Sue Wasiolek confirmed that the incident involved two students who are currently enrolled at Duke, though she declined to comment further.

Duke Police Chief John Dailey said in a statement July 14 that no charges have been filed yet.

"Since the investigation is ongoing, we are not able to provide additional details at this time," Dailey added.

Vice President for Student Affairs Larry Moneta could not be reached for comment because he is out of town until the end of July.


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