A Chance To Watch Nolan Smith For 40 Minutes

The Chronicle just received a press release from ESPN that actually is interesting (this is a rarity in the press release world). On ESPN3 Wednesday, Duke fans will be able to watch a special "Isocam," that will be directed at Nolan Smith the entire game. Every move, every shot, everything he does on the court.

Why is this good news? Smith is one of the few big-name college athletes known for showing his personality on the court. In Ben Cohen's article, "Bringing Showtime to Duke," the reporter sees a moment in the Boston College contest where Smith shows the humor and joy for the game seen nearly every day on his Twitter account.

It was a fairly lopsided matchup, another meaningless rout for Duke, and the one moment that lingered with me long after Cameron cleared out had nothing to do with basketball. Right after a quick, late timeout, when Smith knew he wouldn’t be in for much longer, he was matching strides down the floor with his defensive assignment. The two guards were almost bumping into each other, they were so close, and yet they weren’t chatting, only shuffling their feet in step. The official scorer was ready to sound the horn, the referee poised to blow his whistle; in this lull lurked a strange silence. Walking the way of the four banners in the rafters, Smith glanced to his left, one last time, like an instinct. He paused. His eyes widened, ever so slightly and -- yes sir! -- there it was: The sly hint of a smile.

Will Duke fans see more of that Wednesday?


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