Letter on Tailgate

Fellow students,

We have been proud to support Tailgate over the years and provide a venue that is open to all but unique to Duke. Tailgate stands out among social events for its ability to bring students together and build remarkable cohesion. Indeed, the battle cry “save Tailgate” has echoed in our heads these years as we have put in place measures to make the event safer and more inclusive to our community. But an incident last Saturday sent a strong message to all of Duke that something must give, and we are compelled to find a better way to celebrate.

As you have likely heard by now, Tailgate has been suspended. It will be up to us—the students—to determine how we bring tailgate back. We look forward to the coming of a new tailgate tradition at Duke, with pregame events that bring the celebration into the stands. This Saturday, fraternities, selective living groups and all students are encouraged to reserve grills, dress up and enjoy a spirited day of Duke Football.

If you attended the UVA showdown, you know the rush of the players jumping the wall into the student section when the clock has run down, but you also know the shame of cheering alone because the rest of the fans never came. Having fought hard to keep Tailgate afloat, we know that if tailgate is going to work in the future it needs to rebuild its connection to Duke Football. Nothing would go further toward securing that future than a huge turnout at the game against Boston College. If you are planning a pregame event, please plan it in a way that culminates at Wallace Wade.

Be assured—there will always be a tailgate at Duke. We hope that next year, students will define their own tailgate tradition just like our predecessors did in 2003, when they began the costumed revelry we have known ever since. We can only imagine what Duke students will think of next.

Most sincerely,

Mike Lefevre, Trinity ’11

President, Duke Student Government

Erskine Love, Trinity ’11

President, Interfraternity Council


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