Crime briefs: Nov. 30

Stop telephonin’ me

Someone was charged with making harassing phone calls in Durham Regional Hospital Saturday morning.

Pump up the volume

Someone broke into a car and stole a stereo in the Center for Living Parking Wednesday.

Executive order

Someone was arrested for trespassing in the Allen Building last Tuesday.

Shooting blanks

Blank checks were stolen Nov. 23 from an unsecured office in the Lenox Baker MRI Trailer.

Free lunch

Someone passed a worthless check at the Washington Duke Inn and Golf Club Nov. 22.

Speedy getaway

A Duke bicycle was stolen on Central Campus Nov. 22.

While you were out...

A laptop was stolen from an unsecured dorm room Nov. 22.

Cold, hard cash

U.S. currency was stolen in Durham Regional Hospital Nov. 20.

Crooked criminal

A walking cane was stolen in Duke South Clinics Nov. 19.

Cold thief

Someone stole a jacket in Duke North Hospital Nov. 19.


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