OUE changes titles to reflect broader duties

Administrators announced changes to the structure of the Office of Undergraduate Education last week to account for the fact that undergraduates are involved in more than just Trinity or Pratt.

Although all undergraduates receive degrees from Trinity College of Arts and Sciences or the Pratt School of Engineering, they can research and enroll in courses in any of Duke’s schools, such as the Nicholas School of the Environment and the Sanford School of Public Policy in addition to participating in programs like the Winter Forum. The changes will increase the role of the Office of Undergraduate Education and attempt to promote more collaborative learning experiences across schools.

The restructuring is part of a review of the undergraduate education experience launched in 2007 when Steve Nowicki was appointed dean and vice provost of undergraduate education.

As part of the changes, at the end of the academic year the school will retire the title of “Dean of Trinity College,” a position currently held in conjunction with the dean of the faculty of Arts and Sciences position. The University is in the process of filling the latter position, which is now held by Alvin Crumbliss, interim dean of the faculty of Arts and Sciences and dean of Trinity College.

Instead, Nowicki will “take on a new and enhanced strategic role” in developing the undergraduate experience across schools, according to a memo sent to deans and senior leaders Oct. 8.

“I think it’s a natural evolution we have been working on for several years,” Lange said in an interview Tuesday. “We had a couple of task forces of how to better integrate all aspects of the undergraduate experience. This is the next step in that process.”

Many of these changes aim to foster an interdisciplinary spirit at the University, as outlined in the 2006 strategic plan, “Making a Difference.” The memo noted that the “responsibility for undergraduate education transcends the boundaries of our current school structure.”

The positions were last separate in 2008 when George McLendon served as the dean of the faculty of Arts and Sciences and Robert Thompson was the dean of Trinity College. When Thompson retired in August 2008, McLendon assumed both roles.

Lee Baker, dean of academic affairs of Trinity College, is now also associate vice provost for undergraduate education. He reports directly to Nowicki and Crumbliss.

“My job will just be trying to align the priorities of Arts and Sciences with the priorities of Undergraduate Education,” Baker said. “I am not sure much will change, but I think it will give me a direct line of reporting to Steve, whereas that wasn’t crystal clear before.”

Donna Lisker, associate dean of undergraduate education, also received a promotion to associate vice provost for undergraduate education, according to a Tuesday Duke news release.


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