Female student robbed on East Campus Saturday morning

A man attempted to rob a female student just after 2 a.m. Saturday morning near Jarvis Residence Hall on East Campus.

The suspect told the student he had a gun and demanded her purse, according to a DukeAlert sent at approximately 5 a.m. After the suspect walked the student to the side of the building closest to Campus Drive, she was able to run free.

The suspect was described as a stocky Hispanic male in his 20s and between 5-foot-4 and 5-foot-6. At the time of the robbery, the suspect was wearing American Eagle clothing that included a blue hoodie, blue jeans and a green ball cap, the alert noted.

The last DukeAlert was issued Jul 24 in connection with a search for a suspect connected to an off-campus armed robbery.

Correction: This story has been updated to reflect the fact that the robbery was unsuccessful. The student was held up but fled the scene before the suspect could steal her belongings.


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