Group holds event to recruit new members

Duke University Union described the different committees under its umbrella to potential new members at its general body meeting Tuesday.
Duke University Union described the different committees under its umbrella to potential new members at its general body meeting Tuesday.

Duke University Union held its first general body meeting of the year last night.

The gathering, held to provide general information about the organization’s various committees to both returning and potential members, attracted approximately 60 students.

DUU President Yi Zhang said the most important purpose of the meeting was recruiting freshmen, whom she hopes will become future leaders of DUU. She added that she was concerned that the organization would not have enough strong leadership next year after this year’s seniors, who comprise the majority of the Executive Board, graduate.

DUU introduced its two new committees, the Innovations Committee and the Annual Events Committee­, which are offsprings of last year’s Special Projects Committee.

Zhang said she was initially concerned that DUU members would be hesitant about getting involved with the committees because they are new. Some members may also not yet have a strong idea of what these new committees do.

But Senior Dustin Gamza, chair of the Innovations Committee, said there were many freshmen interested in joining, adding that he was excited about having so many new members.

“Freshmen have a fresh perspective,” he said. “They have great and crazy ideas,” he said.

Gamza said that the Innovations Committee can potentially collaborate with other organizations outside of DUU.

“There are really no limits except our imaginations,” he said. “If it is financially feasible, then we can do it.”

Senior Alison Lane, chair of the Annual Events Committee, said the meeting’s turnout was impressive and that it was worthwhile to have all the committees in one place so that students can get an overview of what DUU does as a whole.

“A lot of times, people don’t realize that these committees are part of one organization,” she said.

Lane added that the Annual Events Committee’s first event, a scavenger hunt, was a successful effort to strengthen ties between the University and Durham.


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