Letter provides laughs

I was pleased to see The Chronicle publish a letter to the editor Feb. 16 entitled “Replace inefficient employees,” which complained about the “indolent” employees who work on campus. The writer complained that the opportunities for acquiring omelets and sandwiches on campus, so capacious at her old boarding school, were severely cramped at Duke due to inefficient employees who should be punished.

I’m glad to see that my alma mater is teaching the fine art of satire to its students. It’s important, especially in the recessionary times in which we live, to retain our ability to make fun of the puffed up privilege that the spoiled hyper-rich cultivated during the bygone years of excess. It helps take the sting off the fact that most Americans—and Duke students, for that matter—have more on their minds than speedy omelet service or how to expedite complimentary bus rides. It certainly brought a smile to my face!

Frank Holleman

Trinity ’09


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