Harpham best candidate for YT

Given the recent changes to the Young Trustee process, it is incumbent upon the newly empowered student body to make an active informed decision, as the individual they honor will have the responsibility of helping to ensure the continued growth and viability of the University we have all come to know and love.

Although I cannot say I have had the pleasure of interacting on a personal level with all of this year’s finalists, it is good to see that the Young Trustee Nominating Committee produced three highly qualified candidates. The position of Young Trustee, however, requires more than just an array of leadership experiences, knowledge about the inner workings of the University and a commitment to keep abreast of the current happenings around Duke and Durham. What is required is a passion for Duke, a commitment to endure, to fulfill the trust that the student body and the University have placed in the individual for three years, after all the nostalgia and prestige of winning has become a distant memory.

John Harpham not only has the breadth and depth of knowledge required to be an effective member of the Board, but he has a deep-seated commitment to the betterment of the University. I met John when he became a member of The Chronicle’s editorial board and have stayed in contact with him through the years. His commitment to and insight on the issues is evidenced by the fact that many hold the views expressed at the top of the opinion pages as an independent arbiter when it comes to University matters. It is for these reasons why I would like to personally endorse John Harpham for the position of Young Trustee.  

Malik Burnett

Trinity ’07 Fuqua ’12, Medicine ’12

President, Black Student Alliance ’06-’07

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Please see today's Editor's Note on the Young Trustee endorsement policy.


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