Greg Paulus To Attempt NFL Career

10282009_paulus_extra1Former Duke point guard Greg Paulus has exhausted his football eligibility after a season playing for Syracuse, but the New York Daily News reports that the quarterback will make an attempt to play in the NFL:

Paulus is working out at Syracuse in preparation for the school's March 4 pro day. Paulus, who had a workout with the Packers in April, said, "there has been some contact" regarding the NFL draft.

"I had a great time at Duke. I had a lot of fun there," Paulus said. "But if there's more time to play and I can keep playing this game, I would love to do that and keep learning and keep growing with it because I had so much fun this year and playing it again. There's nothing like playing football."

Paulus had one year of NCAA eligibility for football as a result of a rule that allows a fifth year of collegiate athletics for players who graduate from one school but play a second sport. His NCAA career ended Nov. 28, however, after a 56-31 loss to Connecticut.

On the season, Paulus completed 67.7 percent of his 285 pass attempts and threw for 2025 yards, 13 touchdowns and 14 interceptions. The Orange finished the season 4-8.

As a Blue Devil competing on the hardwood, Paulus averaged 8.6 points per game to go along with 3.4 assists per contest.


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