Coach K On The Olympics, This Year's Duke Team And Whacking Jim Calhoun

ESPN's Andy Katz interviews Coach K and works a Duke season preview into his story. Nothing ground-breaking, but you'll read it anyway. In related news, only this long until basketball season starts. Yes, the exhibition against Pfeiffer absolutely counts.

More from Coach K and Andy Katz after the jump.

Coach K on retirement:

"I love Duke, and I love where I'm at.... I don't have a number of years. At 62, I said: 'Who is that? It must be someone else in the room.' I can't believe I'm 62. There is such a energy at the start of the school year and the start of the basketball season that it makes you young. I've made no plans for retirement yet.... [But] I don't see me whacking [UConn coach Jim] Calhoun with a cane when he's 80 and I'm 75 fighting for a Final Four berth. But as long as we can do it, let's try to do it."

Coach K on how this year's team might look different from last year's:

"We have to change what we do.... We're not going to be a full-court pressing team. We'll be a really big team. We have six kids who are 6-9 or taller. We're fairly athletic. We don't have a true point guard, but we have length, we can rebound, and we'll adjust what we do defensively and offensively.... We don't have people who can create shots when they have the ball, so we need to create shots off the ball so when they get the ball we have a shot. It's exciting that we're doing it in a little bit different way."

Andy Katz on Coach K's hair (see the video):

"62, not much gray. I don't even see any gray."

(It's true. No gray.)


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