Wilson's secret strategy

America has pretty much always operated on a two party system. While there were a few years there in the beginning when there was only one political party, or just protopolitical parties, for the last 190 years straight the government has been opposed in two diametrically opposing forces. Only the names have changed with time, but mostly it has been conservative versus liberal, big government versus small government, a regulated economy versus laissez-faire, etc. etc. Okay, we all know this, but according to some political analysts, America needs the two party system. They say that if there were three major parties, the government would be wildly unstable. One major party would result in a dictatorship state. Well, that seems to make sense, I suppose. I'm no poli-sci major, but clearly there must be a reason for most advanced democracies to have formulated into two-party systems, and it is quite obvious that this will not change anytime soon in this nation- despite the GOP's best efforts to make a complete laughingstock of itself.

And that's where Representative Joe Wilson, R-S.C., comes in. The latest gaffer in the recent string of Republican falls-from-grace, Wilson interrupted President Obama's all-important address to a joint session of Congress concerning health care reform. While not creating the frankly ridiculous hysteria that his speech to schoolchildren caused, Obama's latest rhetoric performance caused enough ire in Representative Wilson at least for him to shout "You lie!" in a most undignified fashion.

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This caused an uproar, he was booed and political talk show hosts haven't said about anything else since. People may question Wilson's motives, but I think he did simply to distract Congress from health care, even if it is only for a short time, and to negate any sense of bipartisanship that may have been building since the death of Senator Edward Kennedy. It may seem like career suicide on the surface, but knowing how facts and realities are spun around backwards in Washington, this may very well become a strength in the future, as far as his constituency is concerned- his action perceived as standing up to a no-good, no-conscience liberal president who only spells doom, or at the very least, Nazism, for America- depending on what nutjob conservative you ask.

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It's truly mind-boggling.  Anyway, who knows what the future may hold? I only hope that Congress will get over this whole idea of formally rebuking this petty man soon so that they may get back to the real issues at hand...


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