One Duke

I just wanted to praise the recent March 20 guest column, "One Duke, United," by Natalie Figuereo, Anthony Lee and Vikram Srinivasan. Their vision of a united Duke, where students and prospective students-and ideally the whole Duke community--are neither judged nor divided by their race or ethnicity, is inspirational and visionary. They call for a proper adherence to true "diversity," which requires less attention to skin shades and greater focus on the array of intellectual and social experiences, perspectives and pursuits on campus.

Though I fear that a Duke wholly devoid of race-obsessed individuals remains years, if not decades, away, the principles of One Duke United offers hope to those of us who discount the merits of Balkanizing the campus and who believe that a united Duke is a stronger Duke.

Paul Teller

President, Duke Club of Washington

Trinity '93


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